Friday, August 6, 2010

Tool #11

We live in a world where things change constantly, therefore we must also adapt ourselves to changing.  However it is very important that certain things are always thought and implemented to our kids.  1 Internet Safety, 2 Etique and cyberbullying, and 3 Plagiarism.  Our kids need to know and understand that not everyone or every page they encounter his a safe place to go to.  Cyberbullying is a major threat to our kids, they need to be able to understand that this behavior is not exceptible and if they are going through it the steps they can take to stop and prevent it.  We need to teach them how to be respectful to everyone online and their thoughts, such as we would teach our children manners.  Another important thing to teach our kids is about Plagiarism and how it is illegal to copy someone else's work.  I would teach this concept by creating a digital story and having them watch the brainpop video.  Along with follow up lessons to maintain these concepts.

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